Our Vision

Gospel. Community. Mission.

All that we do finds its source in the gospel of Jesus Christ – on who He is and what He has achieved. We have been united together by God as a community of faith, called to join with Christ in His mission to take this good news to the world.


Our commitment to the message of Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture

All that we do is founded on the gospel. The gospel is the good news of what God has done by providing a way for mankind to be made right with Him through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived the life we should have lived and died the death we deserved. By faith in His finished work, we are given the very righteousness of God and brought into fellowship with Him. But it doesn’t end there..


Our commitment to the care and growth of this local church’s members

The gospel creates a new community — the church. Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Spirit, the church not only loves and cares for others, but demonstrates the reality of God’s kingdom through the life we share together. Jesus builds His church into a unified people who, compelled by Christ’s love, worship together under God’s Word and lay down their lives for each other. It is this love that displays God to the world…


Our commitment to the Great Commission

Through the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel, this loving community of faith obeys the command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. God the Son, through the Incarnation, entered into a world that was hostile and lost. In the same way, every disciple who follows Jesus is called to make His salvation known to all. The call to mission begins outside our front door and extends to the ends of the earth — from our nearest neighbor to the most distant unreached people groups of the world.